Hello readers! Today i'm going to share a system user interface created for Samsung Galaxy Star Pro GT-S7262 which look like Android lollipop's notification panel. You will get notification panel and recent apps views as like as Android lollipop.
1.Lidroid toggles added
2.Status bar icons like lollipop
3.Circle percentage battery meter
4.Transparent Notifications panel
5.Centered clock without notifications overlapping problem
6.Lollipop style stack card recent apps (with a bug which can't be fixed unfortunately)
2.Status bar icons like lollipop
3.Circle percentage battery meter
4.Transparent Notifications panel
5.Centered clock without notifications overlapping problem
6.Lollipop style stack card recent apps (with a bug which can't be fixed unfortunately)
1. Download the file (Link below)
2. Rename the file to systemUI.apk
3. Open Root explorer or ES file explorer and copy the file to root/system/app folder
4. Change permission of the app to RW-R-R-
5. Reboot your phone.
Aniruddha Pathak
Shubam Kumar
XDA thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-star/themes-apps/lollipop-ui-samsung-galaxy-star-pro-t3087963
Don't forget to share this post on social medias and if you got any problem feel free to comment below I will help you.
Write commentssystemui.apk has stoped how to resolve
ReplyWhich ROM you are using?
ReplyCan I use it for my s3 neo 4.4.4
Replymy device is not rooted.
Replyshould I root my device first.
Yes you must root your device before installing this notification panel.
ReplyThis lollipop notification panel is made for Samsung galaxy star pro you can't install this on s3 neo it will give you error.
Replynice...work i always prefer logan for my modification of samsung galaxy star pro
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