WhatsApp has rolled out calling feature to its users since the feature is introduced many of the user has got the update and using it already but still some people are struggling on getting it!
Even I didn't get the calling feature on whatsApp immediately I got only a few days back from the date of this post published, I found an easy way to get whatsApp call feature on your phone right now.
WhatsApp call feature has reduced my call charges now I use the whatsApp call to chat with my friends, if you have a slower internet connection then you will face delay.
To get whatsApp call feature, you have to do the following,
- Update your WhatsApp to latest version 2.15 right now.
- Then ask any of your friend who have whats app call feature to make a call to you.
That’s all now you can enjoy the whats app call feature on your phone!!
If you wish you can comment your whats app phone number below and I will make a call for you to activate call feature, or send your number as a message in Facebook page.
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